Apricot festival

Along with walnuts, cotton and many other crops, Kyrgyzstan is famous for its apricot orchards. Apricot has a special place in our country. This fruit crop grows mainly in the Issyk-Kul and Batken regions, the stony and dry soil of these regions is well suited to unpretentious plants. Juices, jams, dried fruits are produced from apricot in Kyrgyzstan and of course apricot is exported to other countries, mainly to Russia.
Apricot orchards adorn local landscapes in spring during flowering and in autumn, when the leaves of apricot trees are painted in bright yellow, orange and red colors. No wonder that many songs are dedicated to apricot and their beauty is compared with the beauty of a girl.
Every year, on the south coast of our fabulously beautiful Issyk-Kul Lake a summer apricot festival takes place. Each year, the relay race for this event moves from one village to another and lasts a whole week. The festival is very fond of the locals, as well as guests of the region. During the festival, specialists conduct seminars and trainings for participants, talk about new technologies in agriculture, and local gardeners exchange experience. The festival brings together on one site local gardeners, culinary specialists, entrepreneurs, processors of raw materials and guests of our country. During the apricot festival you can visit an interesting fair where you can buy different varieties of apricots, jams, dried apricots, a variety of pastries, and so on. Concerts are organized with the participation of pop stars, games and competitions. The most favorite competition at the festival is the culinary competition, the winners are awarded with prizes.
For tourists, this festival is a good opportunity to get acquainted with Kyrgyzstan, with our villages and their inhabitants.