Yurta tour_2023

Yurta tour_2022 Duration: 10 days Season: mid-June – end of September The nomadic way of life imposed its own conditions on a person’s life. And this means that its housing must be adapted and comfortable for life. Yurt is one of the most important part of Kyrgyz and Kazakh culture, and this is more than […]

Yurta tour_2022

Yurta tour_2022 Duration: 10 days Season: mid-June – end of September The nomadic way of life imposed its own conditions on a person’s life. And this means that its housing must be adapted and comfortable for life. Yurt is one of the most important part of Kyrgyz and Kazakh culture, and this is more than […]

Weekend Tour

Weekend Tour 2021 Duration: 2 days Tour Highlights: Meet the local people and culture. High mountains Lake “Issyk Kul Lake” Opportunity to be a part of nomadic people and live in the nomads house “Yurta” Taste local food. Be a highlander of celestial mountains. Day 1. Saturday BISHKEK- BURANA – TAMGA, ISSYK-KUL LAKE( 350 km, […]

Trekking Tour in Kyrgyzstan

Trekking in Kyrgyzstan Duration: 12 days Tour Highlights: Meet the local people and culture. Lost lake in High mountains “Song Kul Lake” Visit 4 lake of Kyrgyzstan Issyk Kul, Song Kul, Kol kogur and Kol Ukok Lakes Opportunity to be a part of nomadic people and live in the nomads house “Yurta” Taste local food. […]

Festivals Calendar 2023

Festival Calendar 2023 For information and booking please contact: Directly to CBT groups or Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association “Hospitality Kyrgyzstan” Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek, 720031 # 58, Gorkiy Street Phone/Fax: + 996 312 44 30 21 Тел: + 996 770 44 30 21 E-mail:  info@nomad-lodge.com Ski Challenge by CBT Arslanbob January 21  Saturday Arslanbob village, […]

The most interesting about Kyrgyzstan

The most interesting about Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan is an amazing mountainous country that has preserved the culture and traditions of nomadic tribes. Kyrgyzstan is a paradise for fans of active and recreational tourism. Magnificent Tien Shan and Pamir-Alay mountains, virgin nature, alpine pastures, numerous lakes, waterfalls, canyons, caves, alpine meadows, hot springs, forests and deserted steppes […]

Monuments of history and culture on Great Silk Road.

Monuments of history and culture on Great Silk Road. The Great Silk Road in Kyrgyzstan is represented by sections of different branches, which are well expressed and marked by different cultural monuments demonstrating three chronological positions: antiquity, early and developed Middle Ages (2nd century B.C. – 16th century AD).  It is safe to say that […]

Great Silk Road

Great Silk Road Origin of Great Silk Road is related to II century B.C. And the term “Great Silk Road” was introduced in the science of historical academicians of XX, after German traveler and historian K.Rikhtgofen wrote his work “China”, in which he for the first time defined this commercial way through the Eastrn countries […]

Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan

Flora and Fauna of Kyrgyzstan The flora and fauna of Kyrgyzstan are rich in variety of species and can be divided by altitudinal zoning. The country is situated in moderate and subtropical latitudes, rich in high mountains and vast valleys. On the territory of the country there are deserts, semi-deserts, steppes, meadows, forests, bushes, swamps […]

Tradition of hunting with golden eagles

Tradition of hunting with golden eagles Hunting with the golden eagle is one of the most common types of  traditional hunting in Kyrgyzstan. The golden eagle is used for hunting predatory, furry rodents and other small animals. It is an ancient tradition that goes back to the times of the Mongol Khanate in Central Asia […]